
明星举牌照素材 包凡一美国本科文书 避免素材的理解歧义

2015年7月31日 16:54:31   阅读(478)





ZS 是一个非常阳光开朗的男孩,国家二级运动员,排球属于二传领队角色,游泳是各种全能。参加过国内外一些比赛,还曾经和游泳冠军孙杨一起训练过。学生是单亲家庭,完全由母亲抚养大。孩子的妈妈和孩子都非常乐观开朗。在国外单亲妈妈非常普遍,很多妈妈其实是不需要另外一个人去帮助她抚养孩子,无论是从经济实力上,社会观念和认可度上,对于国外的单亲妈妈和孩子来讲,是没有什么压力的。



素材固然很棒而且也很特别,但是却会让招生官有一个非常大的猜忌 ——







SAT: 1880 (阅读510)

TOEFL: 96 (口语:22)


University of Wisconsin-Madison



St. Lawrence University (每年20000美金奖学金)

Common Statement

As a chubby child, whenever I played with the other neighborhood kids, I was always left behind, gasping for breath. At football, they made me the goalie. I remember my grandfather and mother watching me play and frowning, wondering how on earth the strong sports DNA of our family had come to rest in such an uncoordinated body.

To this day, my grandfather plays tennis wonderfully and competes in citywide seniors tournaments. My mother was an agile swimmer and star volley baller in college. Despite my early disappointments, though, they didn’t give up on me. When I was five, they gave me a floating board and dropped me in the water. Each night, my grandfather would cut a piece off the board, until one day there was no board left. The next day, I jumped in the pool, spat up water, and kicked my legs furiously, gasping for air. When I calmed down, I found I could swim without support. From then on, I’ve loved swimming. 5000 meters daily makes one tough and perseverant. Academic and social troubles pale, and one grows more confident and tenacious in others aspects of life.

If swimming was one half of my life, volleyball was the other. I was selected by the municipal physical education program to play volleyball when I was nine years old, though I could barely return a serve. Still, I got the hang of it. Years later, practicing before a national competition, the team was playing terribly and the coach called me out personally. I “lost it” and screamed at him. He benched me, of course. When our team played even worse, I felt terribly guilty. I swallowed my pride, apologized to the coach and begged to be allowed back in the game. I played my heart out. We won third place, and the whole team cried and hugged each other. I realized then that it doesn’t matter how many times you fall down in life, but whether you can find the courage to keep getting up. Success belongs to those who persevere.

In my sophomore year, I was selected as one of 25 Dalian representatives to attend the Asia Pacific P.E. Cultural Conference in Russia. I practiced harder than ever and sprained my right ankle a week before we left. Not wanting to miss the opportunity, I insisted on being allowed to go. During the games, I choked back the pain and struggled to play to the last minute because we were shorthanded. In the end, we won second place and I won three silver medals in the swimming events. Afterwards, we became good friends with the Russians.

This is the true spirit of sports, to inspire people and make them struggle to be better than they ever thought they could be. That, for me, is real accomplishment.

Common Additional Essay

Ever since the day I was born, my grandfather substituted for my father. I was told later that my mother was the only wife who did not have a husband beside her. It was said that perhaps I had realized how hard it was for my mother to give birth to me without the presence of my biological father, and therefore I came with a polite attitude and full of joy. Every time I get questions such as “Where is your father?”, I always reply, “He went overseas, my grandpa and I are taking care of my mother right now.” My mother always said that I was like a lucky charm to her, that I somehow stimulated her full potential in pursuing her career. By the time I was seven, she had become the head of her department. Sometimes she would take me along to her office and meetings, where she introduced me as the pillar that supports the house, the man of our family, a true hero to her.

By the time I was nine years old, another man came into our peaceful little life. He was the captain of my mother’s volleyball team back in university. He had recently divorced and moved back to China from Japan. Back then, I was old enough to realize that my mother needed a company just like I needed a warm home. The man cooked for us, taught me how to increase my efficiency in study, took good care of us, and therefore all my memories of him were positive. Most importantly though, he was a former national selection volleyball player, and it was him that brought me into the world of volleyball.

We used to play volleyball whenever we had free time. He taught me all the proper moves and positions and later I was told that I had a lot of potential for volleyball. Later I continued to pursue my sporting career in volleyball and professional swimming.

I knew from the bottom of my heart that I wanted this man to become part of my life and our family, but my mother seemed to keep me out of the loop, not acknowledging him in my presence. It was not until one winter that we went snowboarding, in the mountain restaurant when the waiter identified him as my father and I happily admitted it, that I saw my mother’s guard soften.

I have always seen myself as a bridge builder. During my senior high school year, my father had a big fight with my mother. My mother actually shared her thoughts with me during the fight, and soon after that I realized that I was no longer the little child. I knew that I was capable and most importantly obligated to resolve this problem, for me and for the family. Both of them took my advice, had a long talk and eventually forgave each other.

I would like to thank the two men who came to define my life. I would also like thank my mother, for without her, I would never have understood the responsibility of being a man in a family and in society.


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